Would you like something truly special from the roe deer trophy? In this case, do not hesitate to send it to us - or hand it over personally to one of our colleagues! You can choose from the following exceptional services:

professiOnal replica

We create a professional replica of the trophy, even in multiple copies. This way, you can exhibit your favorite antlers in multiple places at the same time..


3D replica

We produce a 3D replica using scanning procedures. With the replica in our hand, we can print the antlers in any scale.


photos and videos

We take professional photos and videos of the trophy. Our basic package includes 28 studio-quality images. Of course, additional photos with different settings are also available..


sketch or paint your trophy

We sketch or paint your trophy in various styles and sizes. Whether it's a drawing or a painting, each of our artists maintains high quality in their field..


live image

We create a live image for you as per your request. Our digital preparators accurately place your trophy on the photo you choose.


book production

We also offer book production for your trophies and hunting pictures on quality paper, complete with a custom protective cover.


professional photos

We take professional photos of the trophy. Our basic package includes 28 studio-quality images. Of course, additional photos with different settings are also available.


Custom-carved trophy stands

Custom-carved trophy stands and special backboards are available. We can also personalize these with logos and names as per your request.


preparation of unique shapes

We undertake the preparation of unique shapes and poses not available elsewhere.


unique, stylized logo

Send us a few photos of your favorite trophy, and we'll create a unique, stylized logo from them.


We design logos with or without captions and produce them on unique T-shirts of various sizes. This product can be a perfect gift or a truly personal T-shirt that is not available anywhere else.


Additional offers and plans

If you have a trophy with over 175 points, please contact us from any country in Europe, as we would like to offer you the opportunity to showcase the trophy with us. We plan to present 100 record trophies in detail with pictures and brief descriptions in the coming years.

If you want to sell or buy medal roe deer trophies, contact us with confidence! We also offer the reconfiguration of trophies to complete skulls.

We recommend our giclée prints depicting record roebucks. If you find one you like, you can order it from us.

You can choose from our record replicas and miniatures. Select your favorite and order it from us!

We also recommend our books, presenting record roebucks in Hungarian and English. This year, we plan to introduce three books: 'Wonder Buck - The Story of the Martonvásár Buck', 'Great Bucks', showcasing record trophies from different countries, and 'Great Bucks Collections', featuring trophies of hunters and collectors.

We plan to showcase additional trophy records, broken down by countries, in printed form.
Please contact us if you have unique collection or record trophy!